Yoni massage

Yoni Massage: The Ultimate Sensual Experience for Women

At our female-led salon, we love to look after our lovely ladies. Yoni massage, a type of sensual massage, is the ultimate expression of woman-to-woman care and intimacy. If you feel the need to unwind and indulge in a relaxing and erotic experience, we are here for you. From the softest touch to deep tissue techniques, we cater to your desires. Feel the soft and smooth feminine body on yours as the tension builds up. You can choose to use your toys or let our skilled masseuse take the lead and spoil you as you deserve.

Yoni massage targets the genital area, enhancing blood circulation and sensitivity. This can lead to greater arousal and a significant increase in orgasmic potential. Through gentle and mindful touching, this massage technique increases a woman’s awareness of her own body, leading to greater pleasure and intimacy during sexual activities. Yoni massage can unblock energy pathways across the body by stimulating specific reflexology zones, boosting vitality and overall energy levels.

Benefits of Yoni Massage

Yoni massage offers a range of benefits that profoundly transform the body and mind. Here are the detailed advantages of engaging in yoni massage:

  • Increased Sensitivity in Intimate Areas: Enhances blood circulation and sensitivity in the genital area, leading to greater arousal and orgasmic potential.
  • Emotional Healing: Effectively releases emotional blockages and facilitates emotional balance and well-being.
  • Improved Awareness of the Body: Increases a woman’s awareness of her own body through gentle and mindful touching, leading to greater pleasure and intimacy.
  • Elevated Energy and Vitality: Stimulates specific reflexology zones to unblock energy pathways, boosting vitality and overall energy levels.
  • Better Spiritual Connection: Incorporates elements such as meditation and focused breathing to facilitate a deep spiritual connection, enhancing overall satisfaction and outlook on life.
  • Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Encourages self-exploration and an understanding of personal sexual needs and boundaries, empowering women to take control of their sexual health and fulfillment.

Why Choose Us?

As a female-led salon, we understand your needs and take pride in pleasing you. You can gift this massage to your friend, spouse, wife, or lover. We also allow our loving husbands and partners to watch while their woman is being spoiled by our masseuse. We serve the central London area and are dedicated to providing an outstanding experience that fulfills your needs.

Experience a yoni massage’s profound benefits and intimate connection because you deserve to be pampered and empowered.

Price list

1 Masseuse 2 Masseuse
Massages 60 min 90 min 120 min 60 min 90 min 120 min
Tantric Touch £ 295 £ 395 £ 495 £ 590 £ 790 £ 990
Nuru Massage £ 325 £ 425 £ 525 £ 650 £ 850 £ 1050
Lingam Massage £ 325 £ 425 £ 525 £ 650 £ 850 £ 1190
Dark Allure £ 325 £ 495 £ 595 £ 790 £ 990 £ 1050
Yoni Massage £ 395 £ 425 £ 525 £ 650 £ 850 £ 1050
Couple Massage n/a n/a n/a £ 695 £ 895 £ 1095
Prostate Massage £ 100
Allure Mistress £ 250
Allure Royal £ 100
Dreamgirl £ 100